Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Windows phone 7 impressions : 2 weeks on

So it's 2 weeks on since I finally got my grubby mits on my Omnia 7, and overall I'm pretty happy with it. It's solid without being cumbersome and the UI is really slick.
The AMOLED screen is a marvel of crispness.

Having said that the phone, as any v1 product, has issues. The most jarring being without doubt the combination of tombstoning and capacitive face buttons. Being unceremoniously dumped out of "the harvest " and having to wait a minute again to resuming is something that would prevent me recommending the phone.

Overall though, I'm pretty excited about what should be in the pipeline for wp7 when I see top class apps like ninemsn and bye bye brains.

That and the fact I managed to type this entire post on my phone without issue is a testimony to both the keyboard and the browser.

Oh and the Omnia 7 camera is pretty good, I just don't get the reasoning of having  the default video format unplayable on the Xbox 360.

From a dev perspective the tools are really excellent, with a bit commitment I should have something presentable soon.

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